The thief of the HP HPah congregation who slept in the mosque was recorded by CCTV

Jurnal Kini. The theft at a mosque on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Makassar, was captured by CCTV cameras. A man sneaks up to pick up a cellphone belonging to a congregation who is asleep at the mosque.

Based on CCTV footage, this theft occurred on Tuesday January 8, 2019 at around 11:45 a.m. A perpetrator entered the mosque and targeted a female congregation who was fast asleep.

The perpetrator who was dressed in a red shirt with black pants was clinging to see the conditions around the mosque. He then approached a woman who was sleeping in the mosque.

"Yes, the incident happened last Tuesday, maybe because the new CCTV circulating outside became crowded," said Chand, a congregation, at the Makassar Joint Service Mosque on Saturday (1/12/2019).

After taking the handpone belonging to the victim, the perpetrator then fled the mosque. Experts are expected to be immediately arrested.

"Hopefully it can be captured immediately, sir," he explained.


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